USN New Play: Much Borrow, Much Prosperity

Defibox Team
Mar 31, 2022


After fully considering market demand and security assessment, Defibox has launched a new USN multi-collateral token — bUSDT at 15:00 on March 31, 2022(SGT), adding bUSDT tokens as collateral to generate USN. Specific parameters as follows:

  • bUSDT: The minimum collateralization ratio is 140%, the liquidation ratio is 120%, and the liquidation penalty is 5%;

About bUSDT (contract: tethertether) token:

bUSDT is the asset certificate that the system returns to you after you deposit the USDT token (contract: tethertether) into the lending (contract: lend.defi).

USN New Play: Much Borrow, Much Prosperity

While obtaining the interest and mining from deposit , you can stake bUSDT through the USN system to generate USN , which can be used for market making or re-deposit in lending to obtain more benefits.

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