The USN add collateral sUSDT now

Defibox Team
Dec 14, 2022


Hello! After fully considering market demand and security assessment, the USN protocols have added collateral sUSDT, and newly added support for staking sUSDT tokens to generate USN. The specific parameters are as follows:

USN parameters: sUSDT minimum staking ratio is 130%, liquidation ratio is 112%, liquidation penalty is 5%;

About sUSDT(contract: stoken.defi) tokens:

sUSDT is the asset certificate that the system will return to you after you deposit the USDT (contract: tethertether) into the Vault (contract: vault.defi). While obtaining the benefits of the Vault, you can stake sUSDT through the USN system to generate a USN for Balance market making again to maximize profits.



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